Trevor at two months weighed 12.2 lbs and I'm sure he is well over that now...He at twelve weeks is now taking six ounces of milk five times a day...And you don't skimp on the the six ounces because he knows...He also hates to burp a new thing about two weeks ago...Once you take the bottle out of his mouth he starts to cry uncontrollably...So I have to burp him now with a binki in his mouth...And the once he is finished burping and the bottle is insight he grins...What will I do with this guy...He is such a happy baby and loves to smile...He is already starting to get his own little personality and he love to hear himself talk...It is so funny to listen to him coo... He starts out quite and then progressively gets louder until he finds himself in a loud almost crying tone, and then he just starts over...I love it...Sleep is still something he enjoys...He goes to bed at 10:00 and sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning...However at around 6:30 he starts to fuss a little because he knows it is time snuggle and sleep with me in the bed because Kayle has left for work...Anyway, sorry for the long post, but I just want to remember a few things I love about him at this age...